AOM-009 Resistance Spot Welding (BS1140) MAG Welding (BS4872)

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£240 + VAT


1 Day

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This course covers the welding requirement for a IMI Accreditation and is a prerequiste for candidates wishing to achieve IMI Accreditaion for Panel Technician or Senior Panel Technician.


To demonstrate your skills in setting up welding equipment for both MAG and resistance spot welding.

  • To demonstrate your skills and ability to produce a series of MAG butt / fillet welds in the vertical up and overhead positions to meet BS4872-1
  • To demonstrate the ability to assess MAG welds for visible defects
  • To demonstrate you can complete a series of resistance spot welds to meet BS1140
  • To demonstrate the ability to assess resistance spot welds for visible defects


  • Set up MAG welding equipment – wire type and speed, gas type and flow.
  • Satisfactorily set up MAG welding equipment.
  • Appropriately prepare sheet metal.
  • Assess test MAG welds for visual defects.
  • Carry out a continuous vertical up fillet / butt weld to appropriate standard and quality.
  • Carry out a continuous overhead fillet / butt weld to appropriate standard and quality.
  • Satisfactorily set up resistance welding equipment.
  • Complete a series of resistance spot welds to the appropriate standard and quality.
  • Visually carry out quality checks on all finished welds.


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